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Product Code Color Max Working Temp Cure Type Hardness Shore A Thermal Conductivity Viscosity Mixed Mix Ratio By Weight UL Listed TSCA Registered Request Sample TDS SDS Compare (Max 5)
ALPA-GEL M Transparent 200 Addition 2000 1:1
EGel3000 Transparent 200 Addition 0.18 630 1:1
QGel 300 Transparent 204 Addition 1:1
QGel 300Y Yellow 204 Addition 1:1
QGel 301 Transparent 204 Addition 1:1
QGel 302 Transparent Addition 1:1
QGel 303 Purple Addition 1:1
QGel 310 Transparent 204 Addition 1:1
QGel 311 Transparent 204 Addition 1:1
QGel 311UV Translucent blue 204 Addition 1:1
QGel 312 Transparent 204 Addition 10:1
QGel 313 Transparent 204 Addition 20:1
QGel 314 Translucent 204 Addition 10:1
QGel 317 Transparent 204 Addition 1:1
QGel 319 Transparent 204 Addition 20 10:1
QGel 322 Transparent 204 Addition 1:1
QGel 322Y Yellow 204 Addition 1:1
QGel 324 Transparent 204 Addition 1:1
QGel 326 Transparent 204 Addition 1:1
QGel 327 Transparent 204 Addition 1:1
QGel 329 Transparent 204 Addition 1:1
QGel 900 Transparent 235 Addition 1:1
QGel 910 Transparent Addition 1:1
QGel 920 Transparent Addition 1:1
QSil 12 Clear, to slightly hazy yellow 204 Condensation 18 0.18 20:1
QSil 13 Clear to slightly yellow 204 Condensation 16 0.18 20:1
QSil 209 Transparent 204 Addition 60 0.18 6700 1:1
QSil 212 Transparent and Colorless 204 Addition 60 0.18 6500 1:1
QSil 213 Transparent and Colorless 204 Addition 45 0.18 3700 10:1
QSil 214 Transparent and Colorless 204 Addition 40 0.18 1:1
QSil 216 Transparent and Colorless 204 Addition 40 0.18 3700 10:1
QSil 217 Transparent and Colorless 204 Addition 35 0.18 1:1
QSil 218 Transparent and Colorless 204 Addition 55 0.18 10:1
QSil 219 Transparent and Colorless 204 Addition 45 0.18 3700 10:1
QSil 220 Transparent and Colorless 204 Addition 30 0.18 4100 10:1
QSil 222 Transparent and Colorless 204 Addition 40 0.18 1800 10:1
QSil 223 Transparent and Colorless 204 Addition 60 0.18 2800 1:1
QSil 229LV Transparent and Colorless Addition 65 0.18 3,700 1:1
QSil 40 White 204 Condensation 40 11000
QSil 550 Gray 275 Addition 55 ~0.37 4000 1:1
QSil 550F Gray 204 Addition 60 ~0.37 4,000 1:1 yes
QSil 550LV Gray 204 Addition 58 ~0.37 1,400 1:1 yes
QSil 550LV AC Gray 204 Addition 62 ~.37 1,300 1:1 yes
QSil 550SB Gray Addition 55 ~0.37 4,000 1:1
QSil 553 Gray 240 Addition 45 ~0.68 6000 1:1
QSil 553LV Gray 240 Addition 45 ~0.65 4000 1:1
QSil 555 White 204 Addition 50 65,000 10:1
QSil 559 Gray 204 Addition 50 ~0.37 1,600 1:1 yes
QSil 562 Gray 240 Addition 60 ~0.62 5,000 1:1 yes
QSil 563 Yellow 204 Addition 46 ~0.88 4,600 1:1 yes
QSil 567 Gray 204 Addition 58 0.37 1:1
QSil 568 Gray 204 Addition 50 10:1
QSil 573 Gray 204 Addition 55 ~0.90 5,500 1:1
QSil 58 Red 260 Condensation 58 0.31 100:0.5 or 10:1
QSil 60 Red 260 Condensation 60 100:0.5 or 10:1
QSil 602 Transparent and Colorless 204 Addition 30 55,000 10:1
QSil 6101 Black Condensation 30 6000 100:8
QSil 7720 Red 204 Addition 20 ~0.35 65,000 1:1
QSil 940 White 204 Condensation 40 100:0.5 or 10:1
QSil 960 Red 260 Condensation 50 100:0.5 or 10:1
SE2003 Brick Red 250 Addition 80 1.27 35000 1:1
SE2005 White 220 Condensation 40 0.24 9000 100:1
SE2011 Black 220 Condensation 23 0.2 4000 10:1
SE3000 Orange 250 Addition 40 1.17 1950 1:1
Silcoset 101 Red 250 Condensation 0.37 40000 100:1
Silcoset 105 White 220 Condensation 0.2 9000 100:1
SilSo SE2014 Green 200 Addition 67 0.14 10000 1:1
TufGel 330 Transparent and Colorless 204 Addition 1:1
TufGel 331 Transparent Blue 204 Addition 1:1
TufGel 332 Transparent and Colorless 204 Addition 1:1
TufGel 333 Transparent Blue 204 Addition 1:1
TufGel 3350 Transparent yellow 204 Addition 390 1:1
TufGel 336 Opaque Black 204 Addition 390 1:1
TufGel 338 Transparent and Colorless 204 Addition 450 1:1
TufGel 339 Transparent and Colorless 204 Addition 425 1:1
SilSo CONNECT 21000 Black Addition 35 0.35 1:1
QGel 300 Blue
SilSo Cool 21005 Blue 200 3.68 1:1
SilSo Cool 21311 Gray 200 45 2.3 23000 1:1
QSil 207 Transparent and Colorless 42 3,600 10:1
QSil 559FC Gray 204 Addition 46 ~0.37 1,600 1:1 yes
QGel 316 1:1
QSil 6201 Black Condensation 30 100:4 yes
QSil 206 Transparent and Colorless 204 25 10:1
QGel 305
QGel 307IR
QSil 7760 Black 204 Addition 60 0.70 120,000 1:1
QSil 211 204 40 1:1
TufGel 3360 Transparent green, fluorescent under UV light 204 400 1:1
ALPA-GEL 97166 Transparent 180 1:1
SilSo Cool 21012 White 1.3 1500 1:1
QGel 410 Transparent 200 500 - 600 1:1
SilSo Cool 21018 Addition 45 0.9 1:1